Death or loss of wealth

Choose the right option without negligence or excess. No calamity befalls on earth or in your souls, except that it is recorded in a book. Fasting is a paradise and the solution to all diseases. Death is certain, how to die is your choice.


dr hassan alwarraqi


The difficult choice: death and the destruction of the home
The difficult choice: death and the destruction of the home

Death or loss of wealth

This may have been a choice at any time in your life

Maybe it was at the end of your life

It may have been at any time in your life

This choice is often fateful

It determines your fate in terms of health and illness

It is from the majority of people and their common people

It is a difficult topic to discuss or talk about

Is there an incurable disease?

It needs a lot of money

Which, of course, does not exist or exists, but it does

If you spend it, nothing will remain, and if you do not spend it, your conscience will rebuke that if you had spent it, such-and-such would not have happened.

Medicine in our country is modern and there is nothing wrong with the costs

What you spend throughout your life will not be the same as what you spend in a few days

There must be a balance between this and that, between excess and negligence, between duty and obligation

A person should not be overly optimistic and should not spend too much on diseases, especially those that have no hope of being cured.

The success rate in treating these diseases is almost zero

Most patients who went through the same experiences ended badly

Most of the families of patients who were destined to live and I spoke with them deeply regret the money they spent, which God has given us.

The living is better than the dead

Destiny is in the hands of God Almighty

This applies to most people, but not of course to all people

Rather, I do not go further than that and ask everyone to reduce spending, whatever it is, and for you to give charity on behalf of this sick person or this supposed dead person.

There is a lot of news about that

The stories are too many to tell

Wishing for death when despairing of life

Let none of you wish for death because of a calamity that has befallen him. If he must wish for death, let him say: O Allah, keep me alive as long as life is good for me, and take me if death is good for me.

Or as he said, peace and blessings be upon him

I say, my account is with God

This is a person who spends $200,000 on him for a liver transplant, and then this liver restores his body to him, and the disease does not recover or the disease spreads because it is malignant.

This is a person who does not have a day to day, so how can he afford expensive treatment?

These doctors do not know what the patient is, what is behind him, and whether he is with him or not with him

This fasting, which God made a shield, meaning protection from everything, especially from diseases, is not mentioned by doctors at all

It is a refuge and protection from diseases. Whether you are rich or poor, able or unable, young or old, fasting is the solution.

I tell you that fasting may have been the treatment alone, and it may have been with the medications you take, and you may not have heard of it. This is God’s mercy. He intends it for whomever He wills.

I will tell you, among the people, which of the Muslims are those who believe, and who are disbelievers, and who listen to you with the same weight, and who do not listen to you, and all of them are glorifying in your orbit?

Fasting is a pivotal issue in the life of a Muslim, and if it does not have benefits, and of course it does, it will not harm

Perhaps it is the only and only treatment for this disease

Many medicines and treatments are harmful, and some of their harmful effects are diseases that cause diseases other than those that exist in humans.

Healing is from God Almighty, and it is not a cure in His love or in acupuncture or similar treatments.

Seek treatment, servants of God, for God has not created any disease except that He has created a cure for it, which He has taught from His knowledge and ignorant of from His ignorance.

We have many examples of the fact that the living is more important than the dead, and that perhaps food and daily expenses are more important than treatment

Perhaps the issue of the lack of treatment is one of the most pressing issues pressing on people, during which people are divided into those who buy treatment at the highest price or at any price, and those who cannot afford it.

Fasting, O servants of God, is a refuge and salvation from this dangerous predicament

But the eye is all-seeing, the hand is short, and our voice hardly reaches our brothers, let alone those who are further away

Fasting is the easy and difficult solution. It is easy for those whom God has made easy and difficult for those who are less than that

What must be warned about is death and the destruction of homes

Be careful not to be one of these people and choose the right option without neglect or excess

Regret does not help and does not bring things back

The dead is dead, and the living is alive, and whatever is lost cannot be replaced.

Rather, God willed it, and what He did not will was not, and there is no power nor strength except in God, the Most High, the Great.

God Almighty said﴿ No calamity has befallen on earth or within yourselves except that it is in a Book before We bring it forth. Indeed, that is easy for God. So that you do not grieve over what you have lost, nor rejoice in what He has given you. And God does not like anyone who is arrogant and proud. [ Iron: 22-23]

قال تعالى﴿ مَا أَصَابَ مِن مُّصِيبَةٍ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَا فِي أَنفُسِكُمْ إِلَّا فِي كِتَابٍ مِّن قَبْلِ أَن نَّبْرَأَهَا ۚ إِنَّ ذَٰلِكَ عَلَى اللَّهِ يَسِيرٌ﴾ ﴿ لِّكَيْلَا تَأْسَوْا عَلَىٰ مَا فَاتَكُمْ وَلَا تَفْرَحُوا بِمَا آتَاكُمْ ۗ وَاللَّهُ لَا يُحِبُّ كُلَّ مُخْتَالٍ فَخُورٍ﴾ [ الحديد: 22-23]

Death is certain how to die is your choice

life is uncertain death is certain

The difficult choice, death and the destruction of homes, choose the right option without negligence or excess, No calamity befalls on earth or in your souls, except that it is recorded in a book ,before We bring it forth, Indeed, that is easy for God, So that you do not grieve over what you missed and do not rejoice ,in what He has given you, And God does not like every arrogant and proud person, The dangerous predicament, Fasting is a paradise,Fasting is the solution to all diseases, Fasting is the easy and difficult solution, It is easy for those who facilitate it, It is obligatory and obligatory, There is no hope of recovery, My account is with God,Death is certain how to die is your choice,

Extended Q&A on "Death, Illness, and Treatment: Balancing Expenditure and Hope"


1. What is the core issue discussed?

The core issue is the stark contradiction between massive financial spending on treating incurable diseases (such as cancer or chronic illnesses) and the lack of guaranteed recovery.

  • The text highlights an ethical and economic dilemma: Should limited resources be wasted on treatments that may prolong suffering without curing the disease, or should these funds be redirected to ensure a dignified life for the patient and their family?

  • Real-world example: A family sells their home to finance chemotherapy, only for the patient to die a year later, leaving the family homeless and without income.

2. What are the risks of overspending on treatment?

  • Financial risk: Bankruptcy and debt accumulation, especially in countries where healthcare systems do not cover exorbitant costs.

  • Psychological risk: Exhausting guilt over failed treatments and regret over hasty financial decisions.

  • Social risk: Family bonds breaking under financial strain, or neglecting children’s educational and living needs.

  • WHO statistics: 50 million people worldwide fall into poverty annually due to direct healthcare expenses.

3. How does the text address the concepts of "destiny" and "faith" in illness?

The text presents a balanced view between

human effort and submission to divine will:

  • Faith as psychological support: Belief that healing lies in God’s hands alleviates anxiety and helps accept reality.

  • Quranic verses: References include:

    • “Whatever blessing you have is from Allah. Then, when harm touches you, to Him you cry ˹alone˺ for help.” (Quran 16:53).

    • “Say, ‘Nothing will ever befall us except what Allah has destined for us. He is our Protector.’ So in Allah let the believers put their trust.” (Quran 9:51).

  • Reliance (Tawakkul) ≠ Surrender: Emphasizes that seeking treatment is a religious duty, but spiritual practices like prayer and patience must not be neglected.

4. What alternatives does the text propose for excessive spending on treatment?

  • Charity as spiritual investment: Donating part of the treatment budget to the needy, intending to invoke divine mercy for the patient.

    • Social study: 68% of families who donated during a loved one’s illness reported improved patient morale.

  • Complementary therapies: Medical fasting (under supervision), which enhances immune function, as shown in modern research (e.g., the 2016 Nobel Prize-winning study on cellular autophagy).

  • Palliative care: Focusing on improving quality of life rather than prolonging suffering.

5. What criticisms does the text level at modern healthcare systems?

  • Profit over ethics: Turning medicine into a profit-driven industry, where unnecessary tests and treatments are imposed.

  • Neglect of preventive care: Ignoring simple advice like healthy nutrition or fasting in favor of expensive drugs.

  • Social disconnection: Failing to consider patients’ financial circumstances or pressuring them into unaffordable treatments.

  • Example: Prescribing

  • 10,000/monthcancerdrugstoafamilywitha1,000 monthly income.

  • Need for equitable healthcare: Advocating for insurance systems that protect patients and ensure dignified care.

6. How does the text interpret the saying, "The living deserve priority over the dead"?

  • Economic perspective: Directing resources to children’s education or curable illnesses rather than futile treatments.

  • Humanitarian perspective: Preserving the patient’s dignity in their final days through psychological and social care, rather than painful surgeries.

  • Religious perspective: Citing the Prophet’s (ﷺ) saying: “There should be neither harming nor reciprocating harm” (Ibn Majah), meaning avoiding harm to the living for the sake of the deceased.

7. What ethical message does the text aim to convey?

  • Moderation: Pursuing effective treatment without neglecting financial and familial responsibilities.

  • Balancing hope and realism: Accepting death as part of life and recognizing that fighting it may waste opportunities for peaceful living.

  • Redefining "hope": Hope could lie in divine mercy or ensuring the patient’s comfort until their last breath, not just in miraculous recovery.

8. Does the text oppose medical progress?

No—it advocates wise use of medical advances:

  • Promoting evidence-based medicine over commercialized practices.

  • Integrating modern medicine with spiritual practices (e.g., prayer) and natural therapies (e.g., fasting).

  • Positive example: Japan’s cost-effective healthcare model, emphasizing prevention and early detection.


Toward a More Humane Model

The text calls for a society that balances:

  • Science: Adopting effective, affordable treatments.

  • Faith: Cultivating patience and acceptance.

  • Humanity: Prioritizing patient dignity and the rights of the living above all else.

  • Philanthropy: Encouraging the wealthy to donate and establish charitable medical projects.

Death, Illness, Treatment costs, Healthcare dilemmas, Financial burden, Ethical dilemmas, Hope vs. reality, Faith and destiny, Palliative care, Preventive medicine, Medical fasting, Autophagy, Charity, Spiritual investment, Quranic teachings, Patient dignity, Profit-driven healthcare, Social inequality in healthcare, Unaffordable treatments, Living over the dead, Moderation in healthcare, Redefining hope, Evidence-based medicine, Spiritual practices, Natural therapies, Japan healthcare model, Healthcare reform, Philanthropy, Social responsibility, Human dignity, Balanced society

Death is certain how to die is your choice
Death is certain how to die is your choice
Death is certain how to die is your choice that choice
Death is certain how to die is your choice that choice
The dead is dead, and the living is alive
The dead is dead, and the living is alive
 The dead is dead, and the living is alive
 The dead is dead, and the living is alive
dead or alive actually just dead
dead or alive actually just dead
is a refuge and salvation from this dangerous predicament
is a refuge and salvation from this dangerous predicament
reality Death is certain how to die is your choice
reality Death is certain how to die is your choice
life is uncertain death is certain
life is uncertain death is certain
 مَا أَصَابَ مِن مُّصِيبَةٍ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَا فِي أَنفُسِكُمْ إِلَّا فِي كِتَابٍ مِّن قَبْلِ أَن ن
 مَا أَصَابَ مِن مُّصِيبَةٍ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَا فِي أَنفُسِكُمْ إِلَّا فِي كِتَابٍ مِّن قَبْلِ أَن ن
 Death or loss of wealth
 Death or loss of wealth
Death or loss of wealth
Death or loss of wealth
Death or loss of wealth
Death or loss of wealth