fasting for pain

Learn about chronic pain causes and treatments including fasting every other day or as much as you can. Discover the benefits of honey and how it can help with conditions like cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and fibromyalgia. Read about one person's journey with chronic pain and fasting.


dr hassan alwarraqi


Chronic pain causes and treatments: fasting and honey
Chronic pain causes and treatments: fasting and honey

fasting for pain

Chronic pain disease

A feeling of discomfort and/or a disgusting sensation in the body

A serious health condition with complications that go beyond physical symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping

Chronic pain is long-term pain that lasts for 6 months. It can lead to problems in human relationships and financial instability

The difference between chronic pain and acute pain

Pain can generally be classified into acute and chronic, or acute and persistent

The pain starts suddenly and is often severe, and it is a warning of a disease or a specific threat to the body Causes of acute pain


Bone fractures

Dental procedures

Burns or wounds

Labor and childbirth pain

Acute pain may be mild and last no more than one minute, or it may be severe and last for weeks or months

In most cases, acute pain does not exceed six months, but failure to treat acute pain leads to it turning into chronic pain.

Chronic pain persists even after a patient's wound has healed, and pain signals remain active within the nervous system for weeks, months, or even years.

Physical effects include muscle tension, reduced mobility, loss of energy, and changes in appetite.

Psychological effects include depression, anger, anxiety, and fear of recurrence. A person's ability to resume normal work or recreational activities.

Headache pain. Lower back pain. Cancer pain. Arthritis pain. Neuropathic pain caused by nerve damage. Pain caused by psychological distress, which is pain not caused by a previous illness or injury.

Sometimes the source of chronic pain is an injury, an initial injury, or an infection. There may be an ongoing cause for the pain. However, some people have chronic pain without having suffered any previous injury or evidence of damage to the body.

What is the difference between acute and chronic pain

There may be no cure for the disease that causes chronic pain, such as arthritis.

The cause of chronic pain may be unknown or poorly understood.

Chronic Pain Syndrome

Some people with chronic pain will develop this syndrome

When a person experiences symptoms of more than just pain, but also depression, anxiety and other symptoms, which affect their ability to function in daily life

Treatment of chronic pain

Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medications, local anesthesia, acupuncture (Chinese acupuncture), electrical stimulation, physical therapy, surgery, psychotherapy and relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and feedback

Chronic pain syndrome is a difficult syndrome to treat, but not impossible.

Antidepressants, such as amitriptyline, and anticonvulsants, such as gabapentin (Gralise, Neurontin)Corticosteroids

Steroid medications, such as prednisone, may reduce inflammation and improve movement of the affected limb

To treat pain depending on its severity and symptoms

- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are a special type of - Pain relievers such as acetaminophen such as Panadol

- Sleeping pain relievers such as morphine and codeine

- Local anesthetics, such as injections of pain relievers into the site of pain

- Local anesthetics Nerve blocking, which is blocking a group of nerves

- Acupuncture (Chinese acupuncture)

- Electrical stimulation

- Physical therapy

- Surgery

- Psychotherapy

- Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing

- Feedback, which is a treatment method through which a person can be trained to improve his or her health by responding to signals sent by his or her body

- Making some behavioral modifications

Feeling pain Chronic Psychological

Feeling tired, having trouble sleeping, not feeling hungry, not being interested in sex, depression, anxiety, or withdrawing from social activities

Severe, radiating pain throughout the body

Muscle pain throughout the body is caused by an infection, such as the flu. Other causes include more serious medical conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, such as metastatic cancer. It could be a side effect of some medications or some muscle diseases

Every day I feel it in a part of my body, it does not settle in a certain position, in addition to a feeling of heat and alternating cold, psychological states, from tightness, suffocation, aversion to everything, constant fear, with the expectation of the worst happening, and a feeling of severe depression from life, family, and interpreting the behaviors of others, in addition to anxiety, tension, and nervousness

About psychological heart pain

God Almighty said: "And We certainly know that your breast is constrained by what they say" (Surat Al-Hijr, verse 97)

And his saying, peace and blessings be upon him

In the name of God, in the name of God, in the name of God, I seek refuge in the glory and power of God from the evil of what I find and fear

What was said about psychological pain

A guest that only attacks the bodies of the tired and leaves no one except leaving him exhausted, fragile, and unable to do anything

It is that dark feeling Which comes as a result of a slap of life or a stab of its stabs

It is that fading emanating from that stifled emotion inside an iron cage hidden between your heart and chest trying to get out but it turns into tremors that only you can perceive

The system responsible for pain

A person becomes aware of pain. Pain receptors and their nerve pathways vary in different areas of the body. The sensation of pain varies according to the type and location of the injury

It is called diabetic neuropathy or when nerves are crushed or cut as a result of an injury. The pain resulting from nerve damage is called neuropathic pain

Cancer pain

It can be mild, aching, sharp or burning. It can be constant, intermittent, mild, moderate or severe. The amount of pain you feel depends on a number of factors, including the type of cancer you have, how far along it is, where it is located, and your tolerance for pain.

Cancer, arthritis, diabetes, or fibromyalgia

Other patients may lose their appetite and may feel nauseous from food or have difficulty swallowing.

The patient may become very thin. People with advanced cancer often suffer from severe fatigue. If anemia occurs, the person may feel tired and short of breath with any activity

Unexplained weight loss


Night sweats

Loss of appetite

New and persistent pain

Problems with vision or hearing

Recurring nausea or vomiting

Blood in the urine

Indicates the approach of death, which only God knows Feeling abnormally weak and tired. An intense need to sleep all the time. Inability to wake up, semi-loss of consciousness

My journey with chronic pain and fasting

Fasting helps to get rid of toxins from the body

And reduces blood sugar levels

It also works to reduce fat storage

Fasting promotes healthy eating habits

It works to strengthen the immune system

Cholesterol and blood pressure: There is no doubt that abstaining from food also works to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure

Chronic pain: Fasting alleviates many chronic pain disorders, for example rheumatism (chronic arthritis)

Detoxification of the body: When fasting, the liver processes less of many nutrients in food, which allows the liver to recover, especially the fatty liver, which is the largest organ in the body responsible for getting rid of toxins.

Stomach size: During fasting, the expanded stomach shrinks again, and the mucous membrane recovers

Just as is the case in the intestines, the largest organ in the immune system

The spread of intestinal flora or what is called "intestinal microflora" positively.

Pancreas rest: as its insulin production rate decreases

The body's cells become more sensitive to insulin

Fasting protects against dementia: as it encourages the regeneration of nerve cells,

It can lead to an improvement in mood

Muscles: Some may have concerns that fasting from the size of their body muscles can help fasting improve muscle health and function

Blood circulation: fasting enhances blood circulation and the metabolism of fatty tissue

As fat cells under the skin and stomach open their locks and begin to melt

As fat molecules are converted into high-energy ketones during fasting

Cancer can be stopped through fasting

And many other benefits


It is a powerful painkiller

Cardiovascular disease Antioxidants in honey reduce the risk of heart disease

Cough Eucalyptus honey fights cough

Upper respiratory tract infections and severe night cough

Gastrointestinal diseases

Digestive system such as diarrhea associated with gastroenteritis

Honey has a therapeutic effect by replacing fluids Oral route

Antidepressant, anticonvulsant and anti-anxiety

Helps prevent memory disorders

Wound care promotes wound healing, especially in the case of burns.

Honey is better than antibiotics

in short

Fasting every other day or as much as you can

honey Three tablespoons to five

Or three teaspoons to five



bmc complement medtherapies

Chronic pain causes, treatments, fasting, honey, fasting every other day or as much as you can, Three tablespoons to five, Or three teaspoons to five, Stopping cancer through fasting, My journey with chronic pain and fasting, What has been said about psychological pain, Cancer, or arthritis, or diabetes, or fibromyalgia, Cancer pain, And we certainly know that your chest is constrained by what they say, Treatment, Severe pain that moves throughout the body,

FAQS fequently asked questions

What is the Difference Between Acute Pain and Chronic Pain?

Acute pain is typically sudden and intense, serving as a warning sign of an illness or specific threat to the body. It is usually short-term, lasting from minutes to a few weeks or months, and generally does not exceed six months. On the other hand, chronic pain persists for a long time, exceeding six months, even after the initial injury or cause has healed. Pain signals may remain active in the nervous system for weeks, months, or even years. If acute pain is not treated, it can develop into chronic pain.

What Are the Possible Causes of Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain can have multiple causes. It may result from an initial injury, inflammation, or infection, or it may have an ongoing cause such as arthritis. However, in some cases, there may be no clear cause for chronic pain, and some people may experience it without any prior injury or evidence of bodily damage. Conditions that can cause chronic pain include cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and fibromyalgia. It may also result from nerve damage (neuropathic pain) or psychological stress.

What Are the Physical and Psychological Symptoms Associated with Chronic Pain?

In addition to persistent pain, chronic pain can cause a wide range of physical and psychological symptoms. Physical symptoms include muscle tension, reduced mobility, loss of energy, and changes in appetite. Psychological symptoms include depression, anger, anxiety, fear of recurring pain, and difficulty resuming work and recreational activities. Some people may also experience fatigue, sleep problems, loss of appetite, and disinterest in social or sexual relationships.

What is "Chronic Pain Syndrome," and How is it Different from Regular Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain syndrome is a condition that goes beyond just experiencing pain. It includes additional symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and other issues that negatively affect a person’s ability to carry out daily activities. Simply put, it is a condition where chronic pain becomes part of a complex set of symptoms that impact multiple aspects of a person’s life.

What Treatments Are Available to Relieve Chronic Pain?

Treatment options for chronic pain vary and include anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medications, local anesthesia, acupuncture, electrical stimulation, physical therapy, surgery, psychotherapy, relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, and biofeedback. Antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and corticosteroids may also be used to reduce inflammation and improve mobility. Treatment depends on the severity of the pain and accompanying symptoms.

How Can Fasting Help Alleviate Chronic Pain? What Are the Other Benefits of Fasting?

Sources indicate that fasting can help alleviate many chronic pain disorders, such as rheumatism (chronic arthritis). Fasting also helps detoxify the body, reduce blood sugar levels, decrease fat storage, promote healthy eating habits, strengthen the immune system, and lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Additionally, fasting can improve liver health, enhance the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, improve insulin sensitivity, and potentially protect against dementia by stimulating the regeneration of nerve cells. It can also improve mood and enhance blood circulation.

What Are the Therapeutic Benefits of Honey? How Can It Be Used?

Honey has multiple therapeutic benefits. It is a powerful pain reliever and contains antioxidants that reduce the risk of heart disease. It is also used to treat coughs (especially eucalyptus honey) and upper respiratory infections. Honey helps manage digestive disorders like diarrhea and can be used as an oral rehydration solution to replace fluids. It also has antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects, helps prevent memory disorders, and promotes wound healing, especially in burn cases. It is recommended to consume three to five teaspoons of honey daily.

Can Psychological Pain Affect the Body, and How Is It Managed?

Yes, psychological pain can significantly affect the body, causing physical symptoms such as fatigue, sleep problems, appetite changes, and muscle tension. Sources indicate that psychological distress or "emotional pain" can manifest as feelings of distress, suffocation, avoidance of everything, persistent fear, and depression. Religious sources have also mentioned that psychological distress can affect the chest. Psychological pain is managed through psychotherapy, relaxation techniques, and behavioral changes.

Chronic pain   fasting and honey
Chronic pain   fasting and honey
a disease or a specific threat to the body Causes of acute pain
a disease or a specific threat to the body Causes of acute pain
 depression, anger, anxiety, and fear of recurrence
 depression, anger, anxiety, and fear of recurrence
some people have chronic pain without having suffered any previous injury or evidence of damage to t
some people have chronic pain without having suffered any previous injury or evidence of damage to t
fasting is a solution
fasting is a solution
fasing fights inflamation
fasing fights inflamation
  honey use to aleviate pain
  honey use to aleviate pain
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
 Feeling tired, having trouble sleeping, not feeling hungry, not being interested in sex, depression
 Feeling tired, having trouble sleeping, not feeling hungry, not being interested in sex, depression
The system responsible for pain
The system responsible for pain
in short  Fasting every other day or as much as you can honey Three tablespoons to five  Or three te
in short  Fasting every other day or as much as you can honey Three tablespoons to five  Or three te