Foreign Objects in the Nose

Discover why it's risky to insert foreign objects in the nose and learn how to avoid emergency surgery. Find out how honey can reduce inflammation. Know what to do if a foreign body gets stuck in t...


Dr Hassan Alwarraqi

nasal f b removal
nasal f b removal

Dangers of Throwing Foreign Objects in Nose

How to throw an object from the nose foreign body

It is not safe to throw an object from the nose. It could damage your nose, throat, or lungs.

Here are some additional tips for dealing with an object in the nose:

If you or someone you know has an object in their nose

  • Do not try to remove the object yourself. This could damage the nose or cause the object to become more deeply lodged.

  • Try to keep the person calm. Panicking can make it more difficult to breathe.

  • Have the person breathe through their mouth.

  • If the object is partially blocking the nostril, try to blow it out gently. You can also try using a saline nasal spray to loosen the object.If the object is completely blocking the nostril,

Treatment of foreign body

The treatment for an object in the nose depends on the size and type of object,

as well as its location in the nasal cavity. In most cases, the object can be removed using a special instrument called a nasal speculum.

If the object is large or difficult to reach, the doctor may need to use a suction device or other instruments.

In some cases, the doctor may need to perform a minor surgery to remove the object. This is usually done under general anesthesia.

Prevention of foreign bodies in the nose

The best way to prevent objects from getting into the nose is to supervise young children closely when they are playing with small objects.

It is also important to teach children not to put objects up their nose.

additional tips:

  • Keep small objects out of reach of young children.

  • Cut food into small pieces for young children.

  • Avoid giving children toys that are small enough to fit up their noses.

  • Teach children not to put their fingers or other objects up their nose.

It can be anything from a small bead to a food particle to a toy.

Objects in the nose are most common in children under the age of 5, but they can occur in people of all ages.

Symptoms of an object foreign body in the nose

  • Nasal congestion

  • Difficulty breathing through the nose

  • A runny nose from one nostril

  • Nosebleeds

  • Sneezing

  • Coughing

  • A feeling of fullness in the nose

  • A foul odor from the nose one side

Treatment for an object foreign body in the nose

This can happen to children who are curious and like to experiment with different things, or to adults who accidentally inhale something.

Some common objects that can get stuck in the nose are:

  • small toys or parts of toys

  • beads

  • pieces of eraser

  • tissue

  • clay

  • food

  • pebbles

  • dirt

  • button batteries

  • paired disc magnets

Some of these objects can be more dangerous than others, especially if they contain chemicals, can swell up, or can damage the tissue inside the nose.

button batteries can burn the nose or go into the stomach, and paired disc magnets can pinch the nasal lining.

These are medical emergencies due to damage if left untreated.

However, if you are an adult and the object is not dangerous, you can try to blow it out by following these steps:

  • Sit down and lean forward slightly.

  • Hold your finger over the nostril that does not have the object in it.

  • Blow gently through the other nostril. Do not blow too hard or too fast, as this could hurt your ears or sinuses.

  • Repeat until the object comes out or you feel it move.

  • If the object does not come out or you feel any pain, stop and see a doctor.

How to remove a foreign body from the nose, Dr. Hassan

How to expel a foreign body from the nose

Bad-smelling discharge on one side in children only

Block the good side of the nostril and push mouth-to-mouth

Mostly the foreign body is extruded

The method of blowing air is expelling air from the mouth of the doctor or from the mouth of one of the parents.

Blowing air causes the foreign body to be expelled out of the nose.

If the attempt or attempts fail, you must go to the doctor you my need to go to hospital.


foreign,body,nose,throat,lungs,emergency,bad,smell,button,battery,surgery,Blowing air causes the foreign body to be expelled out of the nose,If the attempt or attempts fail, you must go to the doctor ,you my need to go to hospital,

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